Lee Craigie and Emily Chappell have spent their many years as cyclists, racers and adventurers following lines on the map, or of a race route, or on the screens of their GPS devices. In tonight's frank and entertaining talks, they tell the stories of when they strayed beyond those lines, in the North Coast 500 and the Tour Divide, and share what happens when things don't go to plan, and the lessons they've learned from their biggest successes and failures.

We are grateful to be hosted by Bealim House, Newcastle's first authentic gin distillery, bar and eatery, and Leathers Accountants, people who look after people, in business and in life.

The time: 7pm, 2nd November 2017
The place: Bealim House, 17-25 Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4SG
To book: email canwehelp@leatherstheaccountants.com
