Is it going to be grit or fluff? // Durita Holm

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Is it going to be grit or fluff? // Durita Holm

If you want to read a bikepacking article about how a wild boar with very big teeth passed ten metres from my tent in a deserted almond grove, or about how I almost got blown off a French bridge because it was blowing galeforce, or about being so cold in a snowstorm that I thought my teeth were going to crack with all the rattling, then stop reading now. All these things happened, but my focus will be on what these and other things do to the mind.

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Rickie Cotter's Tour Divide


Rickie Cotter's Tour Divide

Leaving is far easier than returning. Stepping into the unknown draws me. I like abandoning reality; the normal humdrum of society bores me. I know that life has to continue, the inevitable acceptance of responsibility keeps me coming back, but a thought always lingers: What if I didn’t?


Nothing lasts forever // Sarah Outen


Nothing lasts forever // Sarah Outen

I have always visualised my year as a square with three months on each side.  This winter, like all others, I was looking forward to turning a corner into the new year. 2016 had been etched in sharp relief, with deep, dark canyons and soaring peaks. Emotionally and physically, it had felt like something of a gauntlet – I was glad to have survived but was hoping for a less challenging 2017...


The Wild Way // Karen Darke


The Wild Way // Karen Darke

I've heard an adventure called ‘a journey with an unknown outcome’. I seem to have an addiction to them; I’ve never been one for too much routine, certainty or predictability in life, hence the attraction of riding a very long gravel road to a dead end in the South American wilderness.


Taking flight: Anabell's story continues

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Taking flight: Anabell's story continues

The first meeting with team Adventure Syndicate lasted about five minutes, and was what I would call the perfect introduction. Lee Craigie had kindly made her way to Girona station to transfer the weekend arrivals to the training camp. Magdalena and I were welcomed like old friends and when I let Lee know that I fancied cycling the last 15 miles I was neither doubted nor discouraged. Instead she let me know that there would be a bunch of like-minded souls waiting for me on arrival, and left me to it.

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Back in the saddle: Anabell's story


Back in the saddle: Anabell's story

Anabell is one of the recipients of our bursary scheme, and will be joining us on next week’s training camp in Girona. Here she tells the story of how riding a bike has helped her reconnect with her adventurous side, and talks about the unexpected twists and turns of life as a cyclist.